31 research outputs found

    Multi-purpose infrastructure for delivering and supporting mobile context-aware applications

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    The use of contextual information in mobile devices is receiving increasing attention in mobile and ubiquitous computing research. An important requirement for mobile development today is that devices should be able to interact with the context. In this paper we present a series of contributions regarding previous work on context-awareness. In the first place, we describe a client-server architecture that provides a mechanism for preparing target non context-aware applications in order to be delivered as context-aware applications in a semi-automatic way. Secondly, the framework used in the server to instantiate specific components for context-awareness, the Implicit Plasticity Framework, provides independence from the underlying mobile technology used in client device, as it is shown in the case studies presented. Finally, proposed infrastructure deals with the interaction among different context constraints provided by diverse sensors. All of these contributions are extensions to the infrastructure based on the Dichotomic View of plasticity, which now offers multi-purpose support

    Collaborative explicit plasticity framework: a conceptual scheme for the generation of plastic and group-aware user interfaces

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    The advent of new advances in mobile computing has changed the manner we do our daily work, even enabling us to perform collaborative activities. However, current groupware approaches do not offer an integrating and efficient solution that jointly tackles the flexibility and heterogeneity inherent to mobility as well as the awareness aspects intrinsic to collaborative environments. Issues related to the diversity of contexts of use are collected under the term plasticity. A great amount of tools have emerged offering a solution to some of these issues, although always focused on individual scenarios. We are working on reusing and specializing some already existing plasticity tools to the groupware design. The aim is to offer the benefits from plasticity and awareness jointly, trying to reach a real collaboration and a deeper understanding of multi-environment groupware scenarios. In particular, this paper presents a conceptual framework aimed at being a reference for the generation of plastic User Interfaces for collaborative environments in a systematic and comprehensive way. Starting from a previous conceptual framework for individual environments, inspired on the model-based approach, we introduce specific components and considerations related to groupware

    Infraestructura Software de soporte al desarrollo de interfaces de usuario pl谩sticas bajo una visi贸n dicot贸mica

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    En una societat clarament influenciada per les noves tecnologies, els nous avane莽osen computaci贸 m貌bil han suposat un canvi trepidant en els h脿bits d'interacci贸 amb elssistemes i d'accions a una informaci贸 omnipresent. Qualsevol entorn pot devenir un escenaripotencial per a la realitzaci贸 de tasques interactives, i fins i tot en col路laboraci贸 amb altresusuaris, sense renunciar a la mobilitat. Paral路lelament, les aplicacions tendeixen a oferir unsuport col路laboratiu, ja sigui per motius socials o de productivitat. Avui en dia la ubiq眉itatde la interacci贸 茅s un fet plausible.Aquest escenari introdueix la necessitat d'aportar solucions software que incloguin elfactor de diversitat en el context d'煤s. Encara que les t猫cniques desenvolupades fins araen la disciplina de la Interacci贸 Persona Ordinador proporcionen una base s貌lida, aquesttipus d'aspectes no han estat coberts de manera plenament satisfact貌ria. Es requereixensuports fexibles, exhaustiu i sistem脿tics per al disseny i execuci贸 d'interfases d'usuari ca-paces d'adaptar-se a les diverses situacions que poden sorgir durant el proc茅s d'interacci贸.Precisament aquesta flexibilitat per suportar variacions de diferent 铆ndole en el contextd'煤s sense descuidar la usabilitat defineix el concepte de plasticitat de la interface d'usuari.En l'estudi d'aquesta problem脿tica es perfilen dos problemes diferenciats: (a)l'increment de la complexitat en el disseny d'aquest tipus d'interfases; i (b) una crei-xent demanda d'adaptaci贸 din脿mica i evolutiva. En aquest treball es proposa l'estudiper separat d'aquests dos reptes, caracteritzats a trav茅s de dos sub-conceptes de plasti-citat denominats respectivament plasticitat expl铆cita i plasticitat impl铆cita. L'enfocamentbasat en aquesta divisi贸, el qual delimita l'espai de soluci贸 del problema, rep el nom deVisi贸 Dicot貌mica de Plasticitat", i 茅s el que fonamenta aquest treball.La visi贸 dicot貌mica combina dos motors de natura diferent que s'emmarquen en elsdos costats oposats d'una arquitectura client-servidor. Seguint la mateixa terminologia,aquests motors s'anomenen respectivament Motor de Plasticitat Expl铆cita, que ofereix su-port en el disseny i desenvolupament d'interfases d'usuari pl脿stiques i sensibles al grup,aix铆 com per al manteniment d'un coneixement compartit; i Motor de Plasticitat Impl铆cita,capa莽 de detectar l'entorn i reaccionar adequadament davant un conjunt preestablert decircumst脿ncies, entre les que s'inclouen les relatives al treball en grup. La incorporaci贸 deles circumst脿ncies de grup en la caracteritzaci贸 del context d'煤s i en el proc茅s de plasticitatresulta innovadora i obre un cam铆 de soluci贸 conjunta per la plasticitat i els problemesintr铆nsecs als escenaris col路laboratius.En una sociedad claramente influenciada por las nuevas tecnolog铆as, los nuevos avancesen computaci贸n m贸vil han supuesto un cambio trepidante en los h谩bitos de interacci贸n conlos sistemas y de acceso a una informaci贸n omnipresente. Cualquier entorno puede devenirun escenario potencial para la realizaci贸n de tareas interactivas, inclusive en colaboraci贸ncon otros usuarios, sin renunciar a la movilidad. Paralelamente, las aplicaciones tienden aofrecer un soporte colaborativo, ya sea por motivos sociales o de productividad. Hoy endifusa la ubicuidad de la interacci贸n es un hecho plausible.Este escenario introduce la necesidad de aportar soluciones software que incluyan elfactor de diversidad en el contexto de uso. Aunque las t茅cnicas desarrolladas hasta ahoraen la disciplina de la Interacci贸n Persona Ordenador proporcionan una base s贸lida, estetipo de aspectos no han sido cubiertos de manera plenamente satisfactoria. Se requierensoportes flexibles, exhaustivos y sistem谩ticos para el dise帽o y ejecuci贸n de interfaces deusuario capaces de adaptarse a las diversas situaciones que pueden surgir durante el procesode interacci贸n. Precisamente esa flexibilidad para soportar variaciones de distinta 铆ndoleen el contexto de uso sin descuidar la usabilidad define el concepto de plasticidad de lainterfaz de usuario.En el estudio de esta problem谩tica se perfilan dos problemas diferenciados: (a) el in-cremento de la complejidad en el dise帽o de este tipo de interfaces; y (b) una crecientedemanda de adaptaci贸n din谩mica y evolutiva. En este trabajo se propone el estudio porseparado de estos dos retos, caracterizados a trav茅s de dos sub-conceptos de plasticidad de-nominados respectivamente plasticidad expl铆cita y plasticidad impl铆cita. El enfoque basadoen esta divisi贸n, el cual delimita el espacio de soluci贸n del problema, recibe el nombre deVisi贸n Dicot贸mica de Plasticidad", y es el que fundamenta este trabajo.La visi贸n dicot贸mica combina dos motores de naturaleza distinta que se enmarcan enlos lados opuestos de una arquitectura cliente-servidor. Siguiendo la misma terminolog铆a,estos motores se denominan respectivamente Motor de Plasticidad Expl铆cita, que ofrecesoporte en el dise帽o y desarrollo de interfaces de usuario pl谩sticas y sensibles al grupo,as铆 como para el mantenimiento de un conocimiento compartido; y Motor de PlasticidadImpl铆cita, capaz de detectar el entorno y reaccionar adecuadamente ante un conjuntopreestablecido de circunstancias, entre las que se incluyen las relativas al trabajo en grupo.La incorporaci贸n de las condiciones de grupo en la caracterizaci贸n del contexto de uso y enel proceso de plasticidad resulta innovadora y abre un camino de soluci贸n conjunta parala plasticidad y los problemas intr铆nsecos a los escenarios colaborativos.In a society clearly infuenced by new technologies, new advances in mobile computinghave supposed a tremendous change in the habits of interaction with systems and accessto an information that is undergoing omnipresent. For one thing, any environment canbecome a potential scenario for carrying out interactive tasks, even in collaboration withother users, and without renouncing mobility. Furthermore, applications tend to other col-laborative features, either for social or performance reasons. Today, ubiquity in interactionis a laudable fact.This scenario introduces the need for contributing software solutions that tackle thediversity factor in the context of use. Although the techniques developed up to now in theHuman-Computer Interaction discipline provide a solid foundation, these aspects have notbeen covered in an altogether satisfactory way. A flexible, comprehensive and systematicsupport for the design and execution of user interfaces able to adapt themselves to thesituations likely to arise during interaction is required. It is precisely this flexibility tosupport diferent types of variations in the context of use without neglecting usability thatdefines the plasticity of the user interface concept.In the study of this issue, two well-defined problems appear: (a) the increasing com-plexity in the design of these kinds of interfaces; and (b) an increasing demand for dynamicand evolving adaptation. This work proposes the separate study of these two challenges,which are characterized by means of two sub-concepts of plasticity called explicit plasticityand implicit plasticity respectively. The approach based on this division, which delimitsthe problem solution space, receives the name of Dichotomic View of Plasticity", and itlays the foundations of this work.The dichotomic view combines two diferent types of engines that are located on theopposite sides of a client-server architecture. Following the same terminology, these enginesare called respectively Explicit Plasticity Engine, which users support to both the designand development of plastic and group-aware user interfaces and the maintenance of shared-knowledge; and Implicit Plasticity Engine, which is able to detect the environment andreact appropriately under a pre-established set of circumstances, among them those relatedto the work in group. The inclusion of the group conditions in the context of use and theplasticity process turns out to be innovative and it opens a way of dealing with plasticityand the problems intrinsic to collaborative scenarios in a combined manner